www.GooseMoose.com - This forum for rat owners has loads of information about health, care, housing, diet, and anything else rat related. We highly recommend this website to all current and potential rat owners.

www.AMFRA.com - Promotes and encourages the breeding and exhibition of fancy rats and mice for show and pets.

www.dapper.com.au - Showing the world just how charming rats are!

www.RatGuide.com - A Layman's Guide to Health, Medication Use, Breeding and Responsible Care of Pet Rats.

www.ratspace.ning.com - It's like Myspace for rat people!
www.discountpetdrugs.com - Buy discount medicines online with a prescription.
www.petratscanada.com - This website is full on useful links for rat health and care.
www.ratballs.com/rattails - This site contains a variety of information, ranging from handling agressive rats to dealing with the death of a beloved pet.
**Please note**
The makers of the Rat Lounge are not responsible for the information provided on any of these sites. These sites have been listed here for your assistance. Please use your personal discretion when following the advice posted on any of these websites.
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